Treat yourself with beautiful  EYE LASH EXTENSIONS you deserve it!
A procedure can take upto 1 1/2hrs because the extensions are applied to each individual lash. The lashes will stay on and only fall out when your natural eyelash falls out.

This is a very safe and painless procedure done by fully qualified eyelash technicians.  We use only the very best quality lashes to enhance your look.

There are many different options if you are wanting extensions the most popular being

Classic Individual Eyelash Extensions
Here 1 synthetic lash is applied to one of your own eyelashes… this is a more natural look and a good place to start if you have never had any extensions before.

Russian Volume Eyelash Extensions (3D or 6D lashes)
With this technique I apply upto 6 individual lashes to every one of your own lashes, this is a much fuller look.  Much thiner and finer lashes are used for this technique so that
your own lash is not overloaded and damaged

Advantages of Eye Lash Extensions:

  • Makes you look years younger
  • Feels natural and weightless
  • Adds definition to your eyes
  • Enhance special occasion Make-Up
  • No need to wear mascara

Eye Lash Extensions aftercare instructions:

  • Do not rub the eyes or pull the lashes, this will loosen the eyelash extension
  • Only use oil free Make-Up remover
  • Use an Ear bud to remove Make-Up around lash area
  • Do not touch the lashes for 10 hours after application
  • Do not use waterproof Mascara or Mascara with an oil base
  • Maintenance every 3-4 weeks or when required
  • Do not try to remove lash extensions yourself, A qualified technician must remove them, to prevent damage to natural lashes

How long eye lash extensions last, really depends on two things:

1)  Your natural eyelash growth cycle
2)  How well you follow the aftercare instructions

Touch-ups are recommended every 3 weeks to replace eyelashes that may have fallen out since initial full set

Full Set Classical Lashes £70 (approx 60 mins)
Fills £40 (every 3 weeks) (45 mins)
fills £50 (4 weeks) (60 mins)

Russian Volume Lashes £95 (90-120 mins)



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